It is our priority to minimize the risk factor in events that can happen in your workplace to business items or customers or employees.

Whatever your area of activity, it is possible to take precautionary measures against occurences that result in financial loss, which may cause your business to be disrupted.

With Workplace Insurance;

  • Fire, lightning, explosion,
  • Earthquake,
  • Strike, lockout, disorder, public movements, malicious acts, terror
  • Smoke
  • Flood,
  • Storm,
  • Landslide,
  • Theft,
  • Impact of land/air/marine vehicles,
  • Broken glass,
  • Snow weight,
  • Hail,
  • Cost of the wreckage removal,
  • Fire financial responsibility,
  • Internal water damage due to inadequate insulation,
  • Machine breakage,
  • Electronic device,
  • A business stop,
  • Employer financial responsibility,
  • Individual financial responsibility,

damages as well as additional guarantees can be provided to protect your workplace.

Contact us for more details
